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In a joint effort to address concerns related to the misuse of location-tracking devices like AirTag and Tile, Apple and Google have proposed an industry specification. This specification aims to provide alerts to users in cases of suspected unwanted tracking, offering a solution to potential stalking and security breaches associated with such devices. The proposed standard is designed to make Bluetooth-enabled devices compatible with unauthorized tracking detection and alerts, ensuring cross-platform support for both iOS and Android ecosystems.

Supported by companies like Tile, Samsung, Eufy Security, Pebblebee, and Chipolo, Apple and Google have submitted the proposed specification to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a standards organization. The IETF will now undergo a three-month review and comment period, with the expectation of releasing a production implement of the specification by the end of 2023. Apple has previously introduced anti-stalking features for AirTags, including louder alert sounds and warning messages during setup, emphasizing the importance of addressing safety concerns associated with location-tracking technology.