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A critical security flaw has been uncovered in libwebp, a widely used code library for rendering webp images. This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2023-4863, poses a significant threat as it allows attackers to execute malicious code on affected devices. The exploit extends its reach not only to websites utilizing webp images but also to various apps and software incorporating web views.

Disturbingly, the security loophole is actively being exploited by malicious actors, emphasizing the urgency for users to take immediate action. The impacted browsers, including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi, and Brave, have swiftly released security fixes. To ensure your browser is protected, navigate to the options menu, select Help > About (browser name), and initiate the automatic download of any available updates.

Given the severity of the situation, users are strongly advised to promptly update their browsers and remain vigilant against potential threats. Security experts recommend staying informed about ongoing developments and adopting proactive measures to bolster defenses against this critical vulnerability.