Search with Stardock’s Start11 v2, Start11 can be yours for $6.99.

Start11, originally released in 2022, was designed in reaction to the Windows 11 Start menu, and the desire of some users to go back to the Windows 10-style interface. Start11v2 allows Windows 10 and Windows 11 users to tweak the interface as well as add folders to the taskbar, creating what appears to be a hierarchical storage tree.
The three new Start styles are Apps, Professional, and Launcher. The latter looks like the traditional Start menu. The Professional alignment allows apps to be grouped and even tabbed within the Start menu. The Apps layout leans more heavily into showing just apps, with a vertical column of applications as a right-hand navigational element.

Additionally, Start11 v2 introduces the ability to backup and restore your sometings from a file, improved animations when navigating within the Start menus, tinting for a unified icon experience, options for removing folders from the ‘all apps list’, and many more.