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Hearing loss is a surprisingly prevalent issue, affecting more individuals than commonly perceived. However, a significant number of those who could benefit from treatment often forego seeking help. According to a report from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, less than 30% of US adults aged 70 or older with hearing loss have ever used a hearing aid. The situation is even more concerning for adults aged 20 to 69, where only 16% have sought assistance.

While a professional examination by an audiologist remains the primary method for diagnosing hearing loss, online hearing tests offer an accessible and reasonably accurate way to initially assess the situation from the comfort of one’s home.

Several types of online hearing tests are available, with common ones including the pure-tone test, evaluating the ability to hear sounds of different frequencies, and the speech-in-noise test, assessing the capability to hear spoken words amidst background noise. To aid individuals in choosing worthwhile home hearing tests, we conducted trials on 20 tests, narrowing them down to our top favorites. For optimal results, it is recommended to take the test with a high-quality pair of earbuds or headphones in the quietest environment possible.

Our pick for the best overall online hearing test is the Mimi hearing test app. This app stands out for offering multiple test types, user-friendly navigation, and no requirement for email sign-up. The results provided by the Mimi app are more comprehensive compared to other free tests, and users have the convenience of accessing and reviewing their results continuously, as they are saved within the app.

Two screenshots of the Mimi app on a phone screen

Best overall hearing test


See at Mimi

A screenshot of one page of the MDHearing online hearing test.

Best hearing test for ease of use


See at MDHearing

A sample of Soundly's results saying you have moderate hearing loss, with an audiogram.

Most helpful results


See at Soundly

The first page of Amplifon's hearing test, with an image and question about a train platform.

Best hearing test for realistic everyday sounds


See at Amplifon

A page from the Starkey hearing test, with instructions to adjust the volume to a level you can barely hear.

Best all-in-one hearing test


See at Starkey