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If you own an Amazon Echo device, you’re likely accustomed to using it for daily tasks like controlling smart devices or making phone calls. However, Alexa has a plethora of hidden features that can significantly enhance your life. From seamlessly casting music to guarding your home, here are some lesser-known capabilities you might not have explored yet:

  1. Alexa Cast to other devices: Elevate your music experience by using the Alexa Cast feature to seamlessly transfer your favorite tunes from one Echo device to another. Whether you’re in another room or just want to change the ambiance, this feature ensures your music follows you.
  2. Guard your home with Alexa: Enhance your home security with Alexa Guard. Activate it by simply saying, “Alexa, I’m leaving,” and let your Echo listen for potential security threats. Receive alerts if anything suspicious is detected, giving you peace of mind while you’re away.
  3. Donate to charity with Alexa: Make a positive impact with your Echo by easily donating to a charity of your choice. Just say, “Alexa, I’d like to make a donation,” and follow the prompts to contribute. Ensure you have Amazon Pay set up for a seamless charitable giving experience.
  4. Shop on Amazon with Alexa: Simplify your shopping routine by asking Alexa to order essentials for you through Prime Now. Enable voice purchasing in the Alexa app, and when you’re running low on supplies, say, “Alexa, I’d like to buy toothpaste.” Confirm the purchase, or add a PIN code for added security.
  5. Find your lost phone with Alexa: Misplaced your phone? Let your Amazon Echo help you out. Ask Alexa to call your phone or use the Find My Phone skill in the Alexa app for a quick and convenient solution to locating your device.

Discover the versatility of your Amazon Echo by exploring these hidden gems and incorporating them into your daily routine for a smarter, more efficient lifestyle.