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Apple rolled out iOS 17.1.2 on November 30, approximately three weeks after the release of iOS 17.1.1. While this update doesn’t introduce new features, it plays a crucial role in addressing two zero-day security issues that Apple has identified as potential targets for exploitation. For the safety of all iOS users, Apple strongly recommends the immediate installation of this update.

To download iOS 17.1.2, navigate to Settings > General > Software Update, tap “Install Now,” and follow the onscreen instructions.

The primary focus of this update is to tackle vulnerabilities within WebKit, Apple’s proprietary internet browser engine utilized in Safari. One of these issues has the potential for arbitrary code execution, implying that a third party could compromise your data or exploit your device for malicious purposes, as highlighted by IT services company Okta. The second issue pertains to the potential disclosure of sensitive information during the processing of specific web content.

Apple attributes the discovery of these vulnerabilities to security researcher Clément Lecigne from Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG). While Google’s TAG aims to safeguard users from government-sponsored hacking and disinformation, Apple has not disclosed additional details regarding the iOS vulnerabilities identified by Google’s researcher. It remains imperative for users to proactively update their devices to ensure the highest level of security.