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We’ll help you choose the best online backup service.

Online backup is an essential hedge against physical data disaster. No matter if it’s a technical failure, an act of malice, or an act of nature, you never know when all the files and folders you have stored on your PC will be threatened.

While we always recommend keeping a local backup for quick restores (see our roundup of the best Windows backup software for desktop solutions), uploading your data to an online backup service can be a reliable way to cover your bases. After all, the “backup rule of three” exists for a reason.

The good news for consumers is that nearly all of the major online backup services we reviewed are exceptional products. But while all of the contenders received the same impressive marks, each product has its own unique selling point. Our primary concern here is backup, but we do note other roles that a service can fulfill, such as sharing capabilities, multi-device support, and emergency-restore options.

Below our picks, check out how we tested the services and information on how to choose the best backup service for you.

Tired of Windows 11’s Backup app and restore process? So are we. Be sure to read our take on how to use the new Window’s app and why it might not be your best option.