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The potential of 5G to transform the economy, military, and simply the way we live has led countries to race to take a leadership role in the technology. Huawei, a technological leader in 5G networks, finds itself in an extremely adversarial environment. The USA is pushing a transnational campaign to boycott Huawei and other Chinese vendors from 5G networks worldwide. The US Department of State launched the Clean Network Initiative to build a coalition of countries to safeguard privacy and enterprises’ sensitive information from malicious foreign actors. As of November 2020, 27 of 30 NATO allies and 26 of 27 EU member states have joined the initiative, representing nearly two-thirds of the world’s GDP.

Transatlantic Clean Network​
Credit: US Department of State
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The GIP Digital Watch Observatory launched an interactive map that visualises which country has banned Huawei. The map is updated regularly.