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GeForce Now, with its longstanding free tier, has been a gateway to cloud gaming, albeit with some limitations. The free tier offers lower quality and resolution streaming for hour-long sessions, accompanied by last priority in the queue system. For users seeking more flexibility—whether to test a specific game’s performance or for short-term access during travel—the newly introduced Day Pass system for GeForce Now’s Priority and Ultimate tiers could be a game-changer.

The Day Passes, straightforward in concept, allow users to purchase access to GeForce Now for a single day at their chosen subscription level. While exact pricing details are yet to be disclosed by Nvidia, the features are promising. The Ultimate tier, for instance, provides exclusive access to RTX 4080 servers, offering eight-hour session lengths and streaming capabilities up to 4K resolution and 120Hz speeds. On the other hand, the more budget-friendly Priority tier offers 1080p streaming up to 60Hz with six-hour sessions.

However, one lingering question remains—can Nvidia’s servers handle the potential surge in usage from Day Pass users? At the time of writing, the free tier and one-month subscriptions for both Priority and Ultimate are inaccessible due to capacity constraints. Despite this, the concept of Day Passes is intriguing, and it will be fascinating to observe its implementation and impact.