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Unistellar’s commitment to enhancing the stargazing experience reaches new heights with the launch of its second-generation digital telescopes, the Odyssey and Odyssey Pro. Building on the success of the EVScope 2, these telescopes are not only more affordable but also address a significant concern for astronomy enthusiasts—focus. Unveiled at CES Unveiled, the Odyssey models are equipped with intelligent autofocus capabilities, eliminating the need for manual adjustments that plagued their predecessors. Franck Marchis, Unistellar’s Chief Scientific Officer, describes them as telescopes that “solve most of the issues we have with gen one.”

Priced at $2,499 for the Odyssey and $3,999 for the Odyssey Pro, these models offer a more accessible entry point for those eager to explore the wonders of the universe. Unlike traditional telescopes, Unistellar’s devices utilize digital technology to analyze star patterns, enabling users to select celestial objects from a comprehensive list through a dedicated app. With precision tracking and automatic adjustments, these telescopes provide an immersive stargazing experience.

The Odyssey and Odyssey Pro go beyond focus improvements, featuring pixel binning technology called Multi-Depth in the Odyssey Pro. This technology optimizes photos for various scenarios, offering higher resolution for bright planets in our solar system and improved low-light performance for distant, dimmer objects. The addition of an optical viewfinder in the Odyssey Pro enhances versatility, allowing users to engage with the stars both digitally and visually. Unistellar’s commitment to innovation continues, catering to astronomy enthusiasts and educators alike.