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Palit introduces a groundbreaking addition to the realm of graphics cards with its latest creation: the passive-cooled variant of Nvidia’s GeForce RTX 3050 6GB GPU. Eschewing the traditional active cooling system, Palit’s custom “KalmX” version of the card offers the same specifications as its counterparts but with a silent operation, thanks to its large passive cooler. While it may not boast the heavyweight cooling capabilities of a 25-pound block of solid copper, this innovation allows users to experience powerful gaming performance without the accompanying fan noise.

As reported by, the Palit KalmX GeForce RTX 3050 6GB features another notable inclusion—a DVI port, a rarity in contemporary graphics cards. This unique combination of features, coupled with the card’s ability to draw power solely from a PCIe motherboard slot like its GTX 1650 predecessor, makes it an attractive choice for users seeking to enhance the graphical prowess of their aging desktop systems. Notably, the GTX 1650 also had a silent KalmX version, further solidifying Palit’s commitment to innovative cooling solutions.

Despite sharing the same limitations as other iterations of the $169 3050 6GB model, such as a lower CUDA core count and base clock speed, the KalmX card offers a true dual-slot design with a compact length of just 166.3mm. This form factor makes it an ideal choice for users contending with space constraints in their PC cases, although adequate airflow remains essential. Palit has yet to announce pricing or a release date for the GeForce RTX 3050 KalmX 6GB, but its silent operation and compact design are sure to garner attention from discerning users.