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After almost nine years of development, Helldivers 2 is finally here. Before this week’s launch of the game, we got to visit the developers Arrowhead Game Studios office in Stockholm, Sweden to get a first look at Helldivers 2 and talk to the developers.

Now you might be wondering what Helldivers 2 is? As the developers themselves put it, it’s a chaotic action game set in a somewhat dystopian future, inspired by works like Starship Troopers, taking on the role of one of the titular Helldivers. Your task is to spread Super-Earth’s own version of democracy to planets around the galaxy, which you do by killing lots of evil aliens and robots.

The battleships in space are also your home base, where you can change the look of your helldiver, upgrade and unlock new weapons, and plan your battles in the galaxy. The game’s map of the galaxy is divided into different sectors, all players around the world will contribute to the war against the aliens and robots, the progress of the battles will be shown on the map.

Arrowhead has its own game manager who can, among other things, set goals and issue orders to the gathered players. In a given week, the goal may be to take over a planet or sector; if the players manage to cooperate and do so, new weapons are unlocked.