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The Steam Deck, a portable gaming console doubling as a full-fledged PC, opens up a world of possibilities for modding enthusiasts. One increasingly popular mod involves transforming it into an oversized Nintendo DS, notorious for its dual-screen configuration and tricky emulation.

Inspired by a Reddit user’s experiment, Andrew from took on the challenge. He utilized a 7-inch USB-based display, akin to the Steam Deck’s dimensions, along with a compact USB-C dock, a shell case, and magnetic mounts for a neat assembly. Despite facing frustrating hardware hurdles during setup, Andrew meticulously documented his progress, complete with Amazon links for interested DIYers.

On the software front, Andrew opted for Citra, a Nintendo 3DS emulator, running on the Steam Deck’s Linux-based software in desktop mode. With careful configuration, he managed to set up Citra to output to two separate windows, mimicking the DS’s dual-screen setup effortlessly.

The outcome is undeniably impressive, albeit Andrew noted that the physical assembly process proved tedious, dissuading him from attempting it again. While Citra functions seamlessly on the Steam Deck sans external screen, those fixated on DS emulation might still find the endeavor worthwhile, though alternatives like the upcoming, albeit pricey, AyaNeo Flip DS could also be considered.