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ChromeOS has been steadily evolving over its 12-year lifespan, continuously adding features to keep pace with other operating systems. The latest update, however, brings a particularly noteworthy enhancement for users who frequently switch between Chromebooks and other devices. This update allows users to customize keyboard shortcuts and mouse buttons according to their preferences.

The rollout of this feature to the release build of ChromeOS was announced on Google’s Chromebook support page and was first reported by The Verge. ChromeOS version M123 is the version that includes this functionality, and it should be available for download and installation on all Chromebooks currently receiving updates. To access the customization options, users can navigate to the Settings menu, then to Device > Keyboard > Customize Keyboard Keys and Device > Mouse > Customize mouse buttons.

Having experimented with this new feature firsthand, I find it to be a fantastic way to adapt non-standard keyboards to Chromebooks or to adjust to some of the unique aspects of Chromebook design, such as the Search button replacing Caps Lock. The mouse customization feature is particularly useful for users like myself who use gaming mice with numerous thumb buttons, as ChromeOS seamlessly recognizes these additional inputs. Overall, it’s a neat addition that enhances the usability and versatility of ChromeOS.