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Curious about the nomenclature of the next-generation AMD CPUs for your eagerly anticipated AM5 system? Join the club — the labyrinth of modern CPU names and numbers can baffle even the most seasoned tech enthusiasts. However, reliable reports indicate that AMD has settled on “Ryzen 9000” as the familial label for its upcoming models, slated for a potential release later this year.

This insight comes straight from motherboard manufacturers, with industry giants like Asus, MSI, and now Gigabyte corroborating this information, as per a report from While Asus and MSI merely confirmed that their boards will support “AMD’s next-gen CPUs,” Gigabyte went a step further, explicitly mentioning “Ryzen 9000.” Despite the upcoming AMD “Granite Ridge” processors boasting a new Zen5 architecture, they are set to retain compatibility with the popular AM5 socket, ensuring seamless integration with existing AM5-based motherboards post-BIOS update.

Confused about the numerical leap from Ryzen 7000 to Ryzen 9000? You’re not alone. The Ryzen 8000-series desktop chips, based on Zen4 architecture, primarily consist of G-series APU designs tailored for efficiency, combining CPUs and GPUs with robust integrated graphics. These chips are not the go-to choice for gaming rigs or high-performance media setups. Ryzen 8000 primarily served as a laptop series, akin to Ryzen 4000 from previous generations.

Looking ahead, Ryzen 9000 emerges as the go-to series for enthusiasts eyeing an AMD-based gaming desktop in the latter half of this year and beyond, especially for those seeking peak performance. If AMD adheres to its recent release pattern, expect the arrival of Granite Ridge “X3D” processors with enhanced V-Cache capabilities in late 2024 or early 2025. Nevertheless, existing Ryzen 7000 series CPUs, and even some robust Ryzen 5000 CPUs for the enduring AM4 platform, will continue to be readily available.