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Find the right printer with our detailed buying guide. We answer questions about printing technology, throughput, equipment and follow-up costs.

If your existing printer suddenly gives up the ghost and can no longer be repaired, a replacement is usually needed quickly. After all, many people can’t manage without an output device — not in the family and certainly not in the home office or small office. It’s not a good idea to jump straight to the next best printer offer, no matter how attractive the price of the device may seem.

It is much better to ask yourself a few questions about your future printer model before making a purchase. The more precise your answers are, the better the output device will ultimately suit your application scenario.

It’s worth the effort when you consider that a well-chosen printer will usually serve you for several years without complaint.

The focus here is not so much on output quality. After all, there is no such thing as a really bad printer these days. The printing units in all printer classes are too sophisticated for that. Bad purchases are more likely to be caused by the wrong choice of printing technology, a lack of features or excessive follow-up costs.