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If you’re someone who keeps a multitude of tabs open in Chrome, you’ve likely noticed a decline in your PC’s performance over time, especially when you’re multitasking beyond just reading articles.

Fortunately, the latest beta version of Chrome introduces a new feature that alerts you when a particular tab is consuming excessive resources. This gives you the choice to close the offending tab and potentially improve your system’s performance.

To test this new feature, you need to download the latest version of Chrome Canary from Google’s website.

Once installed, open Chrome Canary and type chrome://flags into the address bar, then press Enter. This will bring you to a page where you can tweak hidden settings within Chrome.

To enable the resource-hogging tab warning, find and enable these two options:

  • #performance-intervention-ui
  • #performance-intervention-demo-mode flag

After enabling these, restart your computer.

Upon restarting, open Chrome Canary again and type chrome://settings/performance into the address bar, then press Enter. You should now see an option to select Performance Issue Alerts, as noted by Windows Latest.