A coffee grinder shouldn’t be overly complex. The last thing you want to deal with in the morning is a manual grinder or a hand grinder that resembles a spice grinder. A reliable electric coffee grinder ensures that your coffee beans are consistently processed, providing ground coffee with the perfect texture to enhance flavor. Whether you use a French press or prefer a cold brew coffee maker, these automatic electric grinders allow discerning coffee drinkers to create the ideal coffee grounds necessary for their caffeinated beverages.
If you’re in search of the best electric coffee grinder that delivers excellent results cup after cup, keep reading. I’ve chosen my top three favorites, followed by a list of other electric grinders I’ve tested. The ultimate coffee grinding machines offer consistent grind quality (whether fine or coarse, depending on the grind adjustment setting), useful features, and powerful motors. They are also easy to use and clean. My top recommendation is the Oxo Brew Conical Burr Grinder, which is available for $100 on Amazon.

Best overall

Easiest to use
Baratza Encore Conical Burr Grinder

Best for making espresso