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Microsoft’s Recall Sparked Controversy—Will Apple’s New Feature Do the Same?

Apple’s introduction of a “semantic search” feature during its recent “Glowtime” event has raised questions about privacy similar to those triggered by Microsoft’s Recall. The feature, unveiled alongside the iPhone 16 and updates to the Apple Watch and AirPods, promises to enhance information retrieval on your device.

Greg Jozwiak, Apple’s senior VP of worldwide marketing, described the feature as a tool for quickly locating important details using Siri’s personal semantic index. While specifics on how the search function operates or its limitations remain unclear, the aim seems to echo Microsoft’s Recall: to find lost information amidst a sea of apps.

Apple has assured users that this feature will store data only on the device, not in the cloud—a reassurance that contrasts with Microsoft’s Recall, which faced backlash over similar claims. Despite both companies stressing on-device data security, Microsoft’s Recall has been met with skepticism due to broader issues like intrusive ads in Windows. Apple’s strong track record on privacy might mitigate concerns, but it’s worth noting how public perception can differ between tech giants.