Spotify drops new features consistently, but this latest one is a little different. It’s designed to help you listen to music outside the app.
The Concerts Near You playlist, rolling out now, is a curated compilation of 30 songs by artists who have live music events coming up in your local area. Crucially, the list is based on what users have listened to, so the artists should be relevant to you.
Users can expand a track to find more details about the concerts and follow links to buy tickets from the likes of AXS, DICE, Eventbrite, and Ticketmaster.
Don’t panic about the events being out of date, as Spotify will refresh the links every Wednesday. As Charlie Hellman, Vice President, Global Head of Music Product at Spotify points out: “There’s nothing worse than realising that your favourite artist played your town last week.”
Spotify members can share these events with friends, along with the entire playlist. The events tab includes a mix of dedicated concerts and collaborative ones. For example, mine shows events for Pendulum and the Love Supreme festival.
As someone who has been meaning to listen to more live music, this new playlist could be exactly what I’m looking for.
To use the feature, you’ll need to ensure that your location is up to date via the Live Events tab in the Spotify app – you can access that here. You’ll also need push notifications enabled for the app so you can see when musicians are performing. Spotify also recommends following your favourite artists to stay in the loop for any new events in your area.