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Laundry is a vital part of our routine, whether it’s washing bedding, deciphering laundry symbols, or maintaining your washing machine. Amazon Alexa can be a surprisingly helpful assistant for making laundry day smoother. Here’s how you can leverage Alexa’s capabilities to enhance your laundry routine:

  1. Set Precise Laundry Timers
    If you often miss the buzzer of your washer or dryer, let Alexa handle it. Start by timing each load to understand its duration. Open the Alexa app, go to Routines, and create a new Routine. Use a voice command to set the timer—something like, “Alexa, start my washing machine timer.” Then, add a Wait action for the duration of the load and a notification action to remind you when it’s done. Just activate this Routine when you start a load, and Alexa will handle the rest.
  2. Get Expert Cleaning Tips
    For advice on cleaning various items, enable the Laundry Buddy skill. Simply say, “Alexa, open Laundry Buddy,” and then ask your cleaning-related questions. While it doesn’t cover specific stain removal, it offers guidance on cleaning items like jeans and car seats.
  3. Remove Stains Effectively
    For stain removal, the Stain Remover skill is invaluable. Say, “Alexa, ask Stain Remover how to remove coffee stains,” and follow the detailed instructions provided. This skill covers numerous common stains, from wax to grass.
  4. Check Laundry Room Availability
    If you’re in a dorm or apartment complex with shared laundry facilities, certain Alexa skills can check washer and dryer availability. Skills like Illinois Laundry Checker or Terp Laundry let you see which machines are open. Search for “laundry” along with your university’s name to find relevant skills.

For more laundry tips, consider exploring which laundry products to avoid and the most energy-efficient washing methods. And, for comprehensive cleaning advice, check out a detailed cleaning cheatsheet.