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For those chained to office desks and haunted by the ever-watchful eyes of supervisors, the ‘boss button’ is a familiar savior. Opera GX brings this time-tested concept to a new realm – catering specifically to gamers. In its latest version, Opera GX transforms your F12 key into ‘panic mode,’ whisking you away to a selection of innocuous sites at the speed of a click.

The motive is clear – conceal your gaming escapades or any other online endeavors in an instant. According to a survey by Opera, 36 percent of 2,200 US and UK users confessed to accessing ‘inappropriate content’ during school or work hours. While social media took a share (36 percent), a surprising 58 percent admitted to exploring adult content. Opera’s transparency about Panic Mode, touted as an emergency solution, adds an intriguing layer to its functionality.

To experience this feature, activate the Early Bird preview mode. However, my reservations linger. Opera GX’s gamer-centric aesthetics feel off, and features like a cryptocurrency wallet and ChatGPT integration seem unnecessary. Additionally, Panic Mode’s default sites, like Wikipedia and Reddit, appear generic, with a few, such as YouTube, Twitch, and Steam, potentially causing workplace trouble. For those planning to use this feature, customization is key – adjust settings at ‘opera://settings/panic_button_settings’ to align with a genuinely work-related front