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Keurig coffee machines are a super convenient way to brew your coffee in the morning or whenever you need your caffeine fix. Some of the “smart” Keurigs even let you brew a cup via an app, so you don’t have to leave your bed until you know a freshly brewed cup of coffee is waiting for you. Sadly, for as much as Keurigs can do for us, a majority of us likely aren’t giving them the attention they need — in the cleaning department.

Your Keurig can quickly get gross depending on how often you use it and how often you forgo cleaning it. For the latter, you really should be cleaning your machine once a week to ensure that it continues to function properly and that your morning cup of coffee tastes as good as the first week you got your Keurig. Frequent cleaning can also prevent mold from developing.

Here’s how to keep your Keurig in top shape:

  1. Before Cleaning Your Keurig
    Make sure there isn’t a used pod in the machine’s pod holder. Leaving K-Cups in can promote mold growth. Unplug your Keurig before cleaning to make it easier to move.
  2. Wash Down the Outside
    Wipe down the outside surfaces to get rid of any dried coffee residue. Keurig suggests doing this every day.
  3. Clean the Drip Tray
    Empty and clean the drip tray regularly to avoid mold and smells. Use dish soap and warm water.
  4. Clean the Reservoir
    Hand wash the water reservoir and lid with warm water and dish soap or use a dishwasher. Remove the water filter before cleaning.
  5. Clean the K-Cup Holder
    This is the part of your Keurig that sees the most action. Remove the holder and clean it with hot water and a wipe down. Be careful around the sharp needle.
  6. Descale Your Machine
    Descaling ensures your machine works properly. Fill the water reservoir with a mix of vinegar and hot water (or Keurig’s solution) and run it through without a pod. Let the machine sit, then repeat with just water to remove any vinegar taste. Do this every few months.